The GDP of the whole province increased by 6.0 percent year on year, and Shandong’s economy continued to pick up

Source: Haibao NewsEditor: 李明秀05-22-2024 09:55

In the first quarter of this year, Shandong's GDP increased by 6.0 percent year on year, 0.7 percentage points higher than the national growth rate, and remained stable at about 6 percent for three consecutive quarters. In the past three years, Shandong's GDP has increased by more than 6 percent annually. Last year, it reached 9.2 trillion yuan, and there were three cities in the province that reached the trillion yuan level. The output value of high-tech industries accounted for over 51 percent.

Seizing the major opportunity, Shandong has deeply implemented "six projects" of high-level industrial technological transformation, multi-field equipment renewal, consumer goods trade-in, high-quality supply upgrading, efficient recycling, and all-round standard improvement to cultivate new quality productive forces through upgrading, thus promoting economic transformation and upgrading and improving the quality of life of urban and rural residents. Efforts will be made to expand effective investment, focus on the implementation of national strategies and other fields, and plan and carry forward a number of supporting projects. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", 15,000 key projects at the provincial, municipal, and county levels have been launched every year, with an investment of RMB 2.8 trillion in 2023. Shandong has been selected as one of the top ten provinces with the best business environment for four consecutive years, and 236 Fortune Global 500 enterprises have settled in Shandong.